
发布时间:2025-02-07 20:34:01    浏览:353

本文摘要:Operating profit at Samsung Electronics IT and mobile business - overwhelmingly constituted by smartphone earnings - bounced back in the first quarter from its lows in late 2014, although it still suffered a steep year-on-year decline.今年一季度,三星电子(Samsung Electronics)IT与移动部门的营业利润较2014年末的低点构建了声浪,不过同比降幅仍相当大。

Operating profit at Samsung Electronics IT and mobile business - overwhelmingly constituted by smartphone earnings - bounced back in the first quarter from its lows in late 2014, although it still suffered a steep year-on-year decline.今年一季度,三星电子(Samsung Electronics)IT与移动部门的营业利润较2014年末的低点构建了声浪,不过同比降幅仍相当大。智能手机贡献的利润比例依然仅次于。The divisions operating profit for the period was Won2.74tn ($2.57bn), Samsung said on Wednesday - less than half the Won6.43tn figure in the same period last year, but up from Won1.96tn in the previous quarter writes the FTs Simon mundy in Seoul.三星周三回应,一季度该部门构建营业利润2.74万亿韩元(合25.7亿美元)——不及去年同期6.43万亿韩元的一半,但低于前一季度的1.96万亿韩元。Samsungs smartphone profits collapsed in the second half of last year as it lost share of the key Chinese market to low-cost locally based competitors. Most analysts rule out Samsungs returning to the prior profit levels, but are watching for signs of a recovery as the South Korean group rolls out the new flagship Galaxy S6 phone and a new line of low and mid-end smartphones.去年下半年,三星智能手机部门利润大幅度增加,因为它在关键的中国市场的份额被当地低成本的竞争对手大大风化。

多数分析师指出三星不有可能完全恢复到以往的利润水平,但随着这这家韩国集团发售新的旗舰机型Galaxy S6,以及一个新的系列的中低端智能手机,分析师们仍在期望它经常出现衰退迹象。Profits also improved at the semiconductor division, which remained the companys biggest earnings contributor for a third consecutive quarter. The memory chip business is benefiting from high prices after consolidation in the sector, while the logic chip business is enjoying greater capacity use since Samsung started using its own processor chips for the Galaxy S6.半导体部门的利润也有所恶化,倒数第三个季度沦为集团营收的仅次于贡献者。存储芯片部门开始获益于行业统合之后价格的提高,而逻辑芯片部门也归功于三星自己为Galaxy S6 生产处理器以来的更高的生产能力利用率。

In line with guidance earlier this month, Samsung reported operating profit of Won5.98tn Won - down 30 per cent year-on-year - and revenue of Won47.1, against Won53.7tn a year before.三星集团袭港营业利润5.98万亿韩元,同比增加30%,营收额47.1万亿韩元的,高于去年同期的53.7万亿韩元。

