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The cable news channel Al Jazeera America, which debuted in 2013 to great fanfare when it promised to cover American news soberly and seriously, is shutting down by the end of April. The move was announced at a companywide meeting on Wednesday.2013年,半岛电视台美国频道(Al Jazeera America) 在万众期望中播出,当时允诺以耐心坦率的态度主播美国新闻。如今,这一频道却将于今年4月底重播。
该决议是在本周三的公司全会中宣告的。In a memo to the staff, Al Jazeera America’s chief executive, Al Anstey, said the “decision by Al Jazeera America’s board is driven by the fact that our business model is simply not sustainable in light of the economic challenges in the U.S. media marketplace.”在致员工的备忘录中,半岛电视台美国频道首席执行官埃尔·安思蒂(Al Anstey)回应,“董事会之所以做出这一要求,是基于我们的运营模式无法应付美国传媒市场的经济挑战。
”“I know the closure of AJAM will be a massive disappointment for everyone here who has worked tirelessly for our long-term future,” he continued. “The decision that has been made is in no way because AJAM has done anything but a great job. Our commitment to great journalism is unrivaled.”“我告诉半岛电视台美国频道的重开,令其都说所有人感到沮丧。各位仍然在为我们的将来前景在孜孜不倦地希望,”他还说道。“做出这一要求,决不是因为半岛电视台美国频道展现出不欠佳。忽略,我们打造出的杰出新闻出类拔萃。
”Al Jazeera America went on the air in August 2013 after it bought Al Gore’s Current TV for $500 million. It promised to be thoughtful and smart, free of the shouting arguments that have defined cable news in the United States over the last decade. But meaningful viewership never came, with prime-time ratings sometimes struggling to exceed 30,000 viewers.以5亿美元并购美国前副总统阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)创办的Current有线电视台后,半岛电视台美国频道于2013年8月月播出。它允诺致力于主播洞察深刻印象的新闻报道,防止过去10年间美国有线新闻台大叫醒大嚷的风气。然而,它仍然没能取得充足的观众,黄金档的收视率有时十分希望才突破3万人次。
To make matters worse, the newsroom was hit with turmoil last year when staff members complained bitterly of a culture of fear. There was an exodus of top executives, along with a pair of lawsuits from former employees that included complaints about sexism and anti-Semitism at the news channel.去年,新闻编辑室陷于恐慌令其事态雪上加霜,员工气愤地责怪工作氛围弥漫着不安。多名高层辞职,前雇员对新闻台内部不存在性别歧视和鼓吹犹太主义的两起诉讼又起风波。In May, Ehab Al Shihabi, the chief executive of Al Jazeera America, was replaced by Mr. Anstey. Morale improved in the following months but ratings remained low.去年5月,半岛电视台美国频道前台长埃哈伯·杜哈比(Ehab Al Shihabi)被安思蒂取而代之。
此后数月,台内士气有所提振,但收视率仍然不低。And Al Jazeera America has not been free of controversy in recent months. In November, the news station’s general counsel, David W. Harleston, was suspended following a report in The New York Times that he did not appear to be licensed to practice law. In late December, Al Jazeera aired an hourlong documentary that linked some of the biggest stars in Major League Baseball and the National Football League to performance-enhancing drugs. The most prominent athlete mentioned in the report was the Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, who angrily denied the report, calling it “complete garbage” and “totally made up.”在过去几个月间,半岛电视台美国频道仍然争议大大。
去年11月,《纽约时报》报导,该频道的总法律顾问戴维·W·哈尔斯顿 (David W. Harleston)或许并不具备律师执业资格,他随后被免职。去年12月末,半岛电视台美国频道播出了一部长大约一小时的纪录片,内容牵涉到美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)和美国职业橄榄球联盟(NFL)的顶级球星服用兴奋剂。该报导牵涉到的仅次于牌的球星是丹佛野马队(Denver Broncos)的四分卫佩顿·曼宁(Peyton Manning)。他气愤地坚称了报导内容,称作“一派胡言”、“全盘编造”。
As part of Wednesday’s announcement, Mr. Anstey said that after the cable news network shuts down by April 30, Al Jazeera would expand its digital presence in the United States. The expansion “would bring new global content into America.”在本周三的声明中,安思蒂还回应, 频道于4月30日重播后,半岛不会在美国不断扩大数字服务,将“为美国带给新的国际视野”。